As a parent, establishing a routine with your children can be a challenge, but routines provide structure and stability, which can help children feel secure, reduce anxiety, and promote healthy habits. Here are some tips to help you how to form a routine with your child:

Set a Schedule.

Determine the activities that are important to your family, such as meals, nap times, playtime, and bedtime. Then, create a schedule around these activities that works for your family, we know it’s not always easy but try to stick to it as much as possible.

Involve Your Children.

An easy way to get your child into a routine is to involve them in creating it. Ask them what activities they enjoy and when they prefer to do them. This can help increase their buy-in and make the routine more enjoyable for everyone.

Be Consistent.

Consistency is key when it comes to creating routines for little ones. Try to establish a consistent time for activities and stick to it as much as possible, this can really help your children feel more secure and stable.

Be Flexible.

While consistency is important, it’s also important to be flexible. Sometimes unexpected events happen, especially when you have a busy family life and you may need to change things up every now and again.  

Use Visual Aids.

Use visual aids such as charts or calendars to help your children understand what’s coming next and feel more in control, it can also make it more fun and enjoyable for your little ones.

Celebrate Achievements.

When your children follow the routine, celebrate their achievements – you could use something like a sticker chart. This will help to motivate them to carry on and is a nice way of showing them how well they are doing.

Remember to Have Fun.

While routines can be important, it’s also important to have fun. Incorporate fun activities into the routine to keep things interesting and engaging for your children.

Establishing a routine that works for your family will help provide structure and stability for your children and make family life easier for everyone.

We hope these handy tips help! If you are looking for other ways to help create a routine with your children why not try giving them some child-friendly chores, you can read our blog to find out more.

Published On: July 18, 2023Categories: Parenting HintsTags: , , ,

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