Sensory toys are a great way to engage children’s senses and provide them with a fun and educational experience. As children grow and develop, they often rely on their senses to explore and understand the world around them so here are some fun sensory craft toys you can make at home with regular household items:

Sensory bottles: Fill an empty water bottle with water, glitter, and other small objects such as beads or sequins that will catch your children’s attention. Sensory bottles create a calming and mesmerizing effect as the objects move around in the bottle.

Sensory bags: Fill a sealable plastic bag with hair gel and add food coloring, seal the bag, and tape it shut. Children can squish and play with the bag to create different color patterns and sensory experiences.

Sensory playdough: Make homemade playdough and add different scents or textures such as coffee grounds or essential oils. Your children will have so much fun exploring the different smells and textures while building and molding the playdough.

Sensory bins: Fill a plastic bin with various materials such as rice, beans, or sand. Add small objects for children to find and play with, such as plastic animals or toys. This allows children to explore different textures and objects while using their imagination.

Sensory balloons: Fill a balloon with different materials such as rice or flour, then tie it off and let children squish and squeeze the balloon to feel the different textures inside.

These sensory toys can help children develop essential skills such as fine motor control, creativity, and problem-solving while engaging their senses and having fun! Plus, making these toys at home is a great way to bond with your child and encourage their creativity.

We hope you enjoy our suggestions above! If you love being creative with your little ones, you might enjoy our blog about fun painting ideas!

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