Want to know how to encourage young children to help in the kitchen? By starting early, children can develop a love of food and cooking, and enjoy spending time in the kitchen with you. Here are some great ideas for ways to involve children of all ages in the kitchen: 

Introduce meal planning.

You can involve children in meal planning by asking them what they want to eat. Asking children for their opinions and then following through with their ideas shows them you respect and value their ideas and it provides an opportunity for conversation about healthy eating. 

Take them food shopping.

You can take your children shopping to help them learn about budgeting, the cost of items, and how to stick to a shopping list. You can also use it as an opportunity to teach them about new foods and ingredients. 

Let them help with meal preparation.

Children loved to be involved so let them help you with meal preparation by choosing their own foods, cutting or mashing soft things like fruits, peeling vegetables, and plating up meals. You can find some child-friendly kitchen tools here.

Cooking skills 

Let children try mixing, pouring, stirring, and tasting! It can be messy and some children will need a bit of time to adjust to the sticky, sensory feel of the food, but as they get older and practice more that dexterity will come in handy in the kitchen.

Weigh and measure ingredients.

Scooping out measuring cups of flour or other ingredients is a great start for young cooks. As they grow you can add in a quick maths lesson, like doubling the amount of ingredients and teaching them how to use scales. 

Teach them about safety and hygiene.

Teach them never to touch a hot pan or stovetop, never to microwave metal and the importance of washing their hands properly. Understanding kitchen safety and hygiene will help children become more responsible inside and outside of the kitchen. 

Most importantly, have fun! When children enjoy themselves, they are learning, and cooking is something you can all enjoy together as a family! By starting early and incorporating simple tasks into your cooking routine, you can help your child develop valuable skills and a lifelong appreciation for food and cooking. 

As the famous chef Julia Child once said, “The more you know, the more you can create. There’s no end to imagination in the kitchen.” So why not start your child on the path to culinary creativity today?

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Published On: May 18, 2023Categories: Parenting HintsTags: , , ,

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