Child-friendly chores – how exactly do you get your children to help around the house? As children get older, it’s important for them to develop a sense of responsibility and independence. One way you can encourage this is by giving them chores to do around the house. By working together to keep the household running smoothly, children can feel like an important part of the family unit.

Here are some child-friendly chores that you could get help with around the house: 

Making the bed 

This is a simple task that can be done by even the youngest of children. It helps them develop a sense of responsibility and accomplishment.

Sorting laundry 

Children can learn to sort clothes by colour or type and can also assist with folding and putting away clean laundry.

Watering plants 

This is a great job for children who enjoy spending time outdoors. It teaches them about caring for living things and can also be a fun activity.

Feeding pets 

Children can learn about responsibility and how to care for animals by feeding and looking after pets.

Taking out the rubbish 

Children can learn about environmentally friendly practices by helping to take out the rubbish and recycling.

It’s important to recognise and reward children for their efforts – remember praise and encouragement can go a long way in helping children develop a sense of pride in their work.

Here is a link to printable chore charts.  

You might also be interested in our blog here on how to encourage children to help in the kitchen. 

Published On: June 12, 2023Categories: Parenting HintsTags: , ,

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