Bedtime routines for children involve a series of secret rituals known only to the stuffed animals, like whispering bedtime stories and conducting hilarious teddy bear meetings, ensuring a night filled with giggles and snuggles right?!

But seriously, establishing a good bedtime routine with children is an essential part of creating a calm and harmonious home environment. When your child isn’t sleeping it usually means that you aren’t either. A bedtime routine can help you and your child get a better night’s sleep, so here are some ways you can prepare for bedtime:

Wind down 

Start your bedtime routine by winding down from the day’s activities. Encourage your child to engage in quiet, calming activities such as reading, colouring, or playing with quiet toys to lower their energy levels.


Consistency is key when it comes to creating a strong routine. Try to establish a regular routine and stick to it as much as possible, even on weekends or during vacations so that your children know when it’s time for bed

Screen-free time

Try to avoid screen-free time before bed. Screens emit blue light which can disrupt sleep and make it harder for children to wind down. Instead, encourage activities such as reading, drawing, or playing quietly.

Bath or shower

Bath time can be a relaxing transition into bedtime. Use this time to connect with your child and engage in some calming bathtime activities and conversation.


Reading is a great addition to any bedtime routine as it will help your little ones relax and unwind before bed. Choose books that are comforting and familiar and take the time to discuss the story with your child. Here are 25 of the best bedtime stories.

Create a peaceful sleep environment

Create a peaceful sleep environment by keeping the bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Use soft lighting, such as a night light or lamp, and encourage your child to snuggle up with a favourite stuffed animal or blanket for comfort.

By winding down and being consistent you can help your child feel relaxed, secure, and ready for a restful night’s sleep. Knowing your little ones are sound asleep in bed means you also get to enjoy more of your evenings, and we know how important that is as a parent! 




You might also like to check out our blog with tips for spending more quality time with your child here.

Published On: June 26, 2023Categories: Parenting HintsTags: , ,

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