Not all children enjoy bathtime and for some parents and caregivers it can be a real challenge, so we’ve put together a list of bathtime tips you can incorporate to make bathtime a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone!

1. From bubble beards to fun hairstyles, bubbles can act as a great distraction from the task at hand. They are a fun and sensory addition to bathtime – and you can use different coloured bubble baths and scents to make it more interesting for you child.

2. Bath toys are a great way to encourage children to take a bath. Try using boats, rubber ducks, or water toys to encourage imaginative play in the tub and get your little ones excited about bathtime.

If you buy bath toys with holes in, a great trick to stop them from going mouldy is to seal them with a hot glue gun before use.

3. Create a sensory experience by adding coloured bath bombs or bubble baths to create a playful and colourful bath for your little ones to enjoy.

4. Transform the bathtub into a fun classroom and explore colours and shapes. A great way to start teaching your children about numbers and letters is to use the ones that stick to your bathroom tiles.

Incorporating bathtime with bedtime can help to create a better bedtime routine for you and your little ones – we’ve got some great tips for bedtime routines in this blog so be sure to check it out.

Published On: September 19, 2023Categories: Parenting Hints

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